
05 Jun 2023-Environment day cleaning campaign by DBTI trainees

5th June, 2023 was an important day in the annals of DBTI, Okhla as all the trainees took active part in the environment day cleaning campaign. It was world environment day and it was important to create an awareness by way of cleaning the surroundings and planting trees. The trainees led by the management and teachers were happy indeed to clean for over an hour all the surrounding areas of Sukhdev Vihar metro station.

Before the campaign had begun, a briefing was given to the trainees on environment day. We all may not be aware of the fact that nature can survive without humans; but humans can’t live without nature. Everything, living and non-living, that surrounds us is environment. The living, also called biotic, are humans, animals, plants, microorganisms such as bacteria, protozoa, algae, and fungi, and even viruses. The non-living, also called abiotic, are physical and chemical aspects of an environment. These are sunlight, water, air, humidity, pH, temperature, salinity, precipitation, altitude, soil-type, minerals, wind, dissolved oxygen, mineral nutrients present in the soil, and many other. The non-living are independent of the living. But living are dependent on the non-living. Change in the non-living, for example in climate, adversely affects the living.

It was edifying indeed to see the trainees on the road with banners and posters promoting the care of our planet earth. During the cleaning campaign there was no disruption of the traffic and the trainees were disciplined in carrying out the cleaning work entrusted to them. The public took note of the effort made by the trainees of DBTI and they all appreciated the effort.

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