
03 Jun 2019-TOT for the staff of DBTI

3 rd June to 8 th June 

Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber and future of an individual.If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honour for me, said A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.DBTI came up with innovation and planned to do something different andworthwhile for the teachers of the institute. Hence five days of seminar on Training of Trainers was conducted from 3 rd June to 8 th June. On the very first day T.K Gosh gave the most fitting
start to the event and rejuvenated all the trainers with his effective and impactful thoughts and insights as to how to be effective and creative teachers today. All the trainers were eager and were filled with deep desire to emulate some of the good methods and techniques of teaching and dealing with the students. One  of the best thing teachers cherished was the classroom management. In the course of the seminar the teachers were given the platform to showcase the
new methods taught by the resource person. They liked it, they loved it, they enjoyed it. On the 5 th day an input session was given on Quality management and Industrial safety by Mr Gaurav and Mr. Sanjay respectively from Magneti Marelli. DBTI is grateful to Novospect Ventures Pvt. Ltd who certified the training program of the staff.

Event list